More Doves in Utah Last Spring
Biologists heard more mourning doves in Utah during surveys this past May.
The number of mourning doves heard throughout the Western Management Unit also was up from 2005. The WMU
includes Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Utah.
Both of these increases suggest Utah's 13,000 dove hunters should see more doves when the state's 2006 dove season
begins Sept. 1. Utah's 2006 band-tailed pigeon hunt also begins Sept. 1.
Hunters usually take about 130,000 doves in Utah each season.
Tom Aldrich, migratory game bird coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources, provides the following preview
for each hunt:
Data collected by Division of Wildlife Resources biologists, from 15 20-mile-long mourning dove "call count survey"
routes scattered across Utah, indicate 2006 mourning dove breeding populations were up 56 percent from 2005.
Habitat conditions for doves throughout Utah are in good shape this year. Consistent spring and summer rain showers
throughout much of the state stimulated growth in grain (wheat and barley) fields and annual sunflowers, which are
the foods doves prefer the most.
Despite there being a good number of birds in Utah right now, many could head south before the season opens. Mid-
and end of August cloudbursts annually push doves on their southward migration.
In addition, regardless of what the weather is doing, some mourning doves begin leaving Utah during the first two
weeks of August. These birds begin their annual southward migration based on the photoperiod, or length of the day.
As daylight diminishes in the fall, doves are stimulated to move to their wintering areas in Mexico and Central
America. The DWR is prohibited by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (1918) from opening dove seasons earlier than
Sept. 1 each year.
Dove hunters who normally hunt in northern Utah, but get discouraged when there are few birds around, should give
Utah's southern counties a try. Millard, Beaver, Iron and Washington counties in southwestern Utah, and Emery and
San Juan counties in the southeast, commonly retain birds later into the year. Some of Utah's most prosperous dove
hunting occurs in the southern parts of the state.
The 2006 dove season will remain open through Sept. 30. Bag and possession limits are 10 and 20 in the aggregate respectively.
Dove and band-tailed pigeon hunters are reminded that they must register in the federal Migratory Game Bird Harvest
Information Program (HIP) prior to going afield for these migratory birds. Registration requirements and the process
for obtaining a HIP number are described on page 5 of the 2006 - 2007 Upland Game Hunting Guide. HIP numbers
may also be obtained through the DWR upland game Web page at
Dove Hunting Tips and Reminders
To find the most success, hunters should keep in mind the daily activity routine of doves.
Birds normally feed early in the morning and again late in the day. Doves are almost exclusively seed-eaters and prefer
areas with wheat/stubble, barley, corn, oats and all kinds of weedy patches. Annual sunflowers often harbor many
doves and provide birds with an excellent source of food and cover.
After feeding, doves pick up grit along roadways and then fly to water. The middle part of the day is spent loafing and
roosting in trees, especially dead trees.
Although not required by law, it's a good idea to wear hunter orange during the first week of the dove hunt. Ball caps
and vests in hunter orange help tremendously in reducing the chance of a firearms accident while afield with many
other hunters.
Respecting private property will go a long way in maintaining future opportunities for hunters to access private land.
Small things, like picking up and packing out spent shotgun hulls and other trash when exiting the shooting field,
closing gates and avoiding areas with livestock, are common etiquettes that demonstrate to landowners that hunters are
responsible. Please do your part!
A Landowner/Hunter Permission Card can be found online at .
This card is useful for securing written permission to hunt on private lands.
Three Species of Doves
Hunters can legally harvest three species of doves in Utah. White-winged doves, a migratory game bird species
historically found mostly south of Utah, are becoming more common throughout the state every year.
Utah dove hunters may legally harvest white-winged doves, as well as mourning doves. The bag and possession limits
for white-winged and mourning doves is are the aggregate, which means your 10 bird bag limit can include any
combination of white-winged and mourning doves as long as the total number of birds you've taken doesn't exceed 10 birds.
The possession limit is two bag limits, or any combination of 20 white-winged and mourning doves.
The exotic Eurasian collared-dove is also being observed in greater numbers and in new areas in Utah every year.
These doves seem to prefer urban areas over agricultural habitats.
Hunters can take Eurasian collared-doves during the dove season. If taken during the dove season, these doves will not
count as part of your bag and possession limit. Hunters who harvest Eurasian collared-doves while dove hunting
should leave them unplucked while they're transporting them, so the birds can be identified from mourning and white-winged doves.
A description of all three doves is found on page 23 of the 2006 - 2007 Utah Upland Game Hunting Guide. Hunters
are encouraged to review this dove identification information before going afield.
Band-tailed Pigeons
Hunters should plan on spending time in the coniferous forests of southern Utah for the native band-tailed pigeon.
Bandtails are most common in woodlands, from the Pine Valley Mountains in the west to the La Sal and Blue
mountains in the east.
Band-tailed pigeons are the only pigeons in Utah with yellow legs and feet. Feral pigeons, also known as rock pigeons,
have red legs and feet.
Hunters are encouraged to conduct pre-season scouting for bandtails. Locate areas where birds are feeding and note
their movements from feeding areas to mid-day roosting or loafing areas. Pigeons prefer foods that include pine buds,
acorns, berries, seeds and some pine needles. Flight paths can be intercepted.
In 2006, bag and possession limits for bandtails are five and 10 respectively. The band-tailed pigeon season ends Sept.
In addition to their HIP registration, pigeon hunters are required to obtain a free permit before hunting bandtails.
Hunters may obtain a band-tailed pigeon permit any of the following ways:
* online at https:\\
* at any DWR office
* through the mail by contacting the nearest DWR office and asking that a permit be mailed to you
Pigeon hunters who take birds are encouraged to clip and save a wing from each bird. Wings can be placed in a zip-lock bag and stored in your freezer. A sample of bandtail hunters will be contacted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service and provided with envelopes they can mail wings to the USFWS in. Wings from pigeons help biologists
determine sex and age structures as well as reproductive successes in the Four-corners population of band-tailed pigeons.
Keep Track of Your Success
Upland game hunters are encouraged to keep track of their harvest and days afield using the "Upland Game Hunter's
Harvest Record" provided on page 26 of the 2006 - 2007 Upland Game Hunting Guide.
A random sample of hunters will be surveyed at the end of upland game seasons to determine the statewide harvest
levels for each upland game species in Utah. Accurate harvest information is imperative to the success of the survey.
The harvest record provides a convenient way to track and report this information.
Goose Hunting Zone Approved for Northern Utah
Salt Lake City -- Another long hunting season and a new goose hunting zone highlight Utah's waterfowl hunting rules
for the upcoming season.
At its Aug. 17 meeting in Salt Lake City, the Utah Wildlife Board approved a 107-day waterfowl hunting season. The
season kicks off Sept. 30 when Utah holds its annual Youth Hunting Day for hunters 15 years of age and younger. The
general duck hunting season follows on Oct. 7 and runs until Jan. 20, 2007.
Utah's general goose hunting season also begins Oct. 7, but the season ends on a different day depending on the area of
the state where you're hunting.
In the new North Goose Zone, the season runs from Oct. 7, 2006 to Jan. 20, 2007. The zone includes all of Cache and
Rich counties, and the northeast portion of Box Elder County.
The goose hunting season across the remainder of Utah is a split season, but the split season will be a bit different
from what it was last year.
The first part of the season runs Oct. 7 - 19, 2006. The season will then close for eight days, and then it will reopen on
Oct. 28 and run until Jan. 28, 2007.
"Federal law only allows Utah's goose hunting season to be a certain number of days," says Tom Aldrich, migratory
game bird coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources.
"Last year we wanted to allow hunters to hunt geese in late January. That's the time of year when geese begin leaving
urban areas along the Wasatch Front and start visiting the marshes again to begin the breeding and nesting season."
The season had to be closed for two weeks last year to allow hunters to hunt geese at the beginning of the season and
still have some days available to hunt in late January. Because the general waterfowl season will open one week later
this year (on Oct. 7) closing the goose season for only one week will still leave hunters with enough days to hunt into
late January.
Aldrich says some of the hunters and state and federal agency waterfowl managers in northern Utah indicated they
wanted to go back to a straight goose hunting season this year. "That's why we recommended establishing the North
Goose Zone and that the hunt in the zone begin at the start of the season and run straight through," he says.
"Having two goose zones also provides hunters with a 114-day goose season, if they're willing to hunt both zones."
For more information, call the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or the DWR's Salt Lake City office at
(801) 538-4700.
Work of New Biologists Will Help Some of Utah's Most Sensitive Species
Wildlife across Utah -- ranging from wild turkeys and Hungarian partridge people can hunt to some of the state's most
sensitive species, including yellow-billed cukoos and pygmy rabbits -- are receiving a helping hand from four new
wildlife biologists.
The biologists are working to get more farmers and ranchers involved in federal Farm Bill programs. These programs
have already helped wildlife in Utah and across the country. The biologists are hoping to get even more private
landowners in Utah involved.
The new biologists work for the Division of Wildlife Resources and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
They started their assignments Aug. 14.
"The NRCS and the DWR are very excited about the benefits landowners, the land and wildlife in Utah will receive
through the work of these new biologists," says Sylvia Gillen, state conservationist for the NRCS. "The work they'll do
to address environmental quality issues will result in reduced soil erosion, improved soil health, improved water
quality and quantity, and better habitat for wildlife across the state."
The NRCS, DWR, the National Wild Turkey Federation and Sportsmen for Habitat are funding the four biologists
through a cooperative agreement. The biologists are DWR employees who will work in NRCS field offices to help
NRCS staff improve the quality of conservation planning for wildlife and increase the number of Farm Bill program
acres in Utah that are managed to benefit wildlife.
The new biologists will be involved in all facets of delivering Farm Bill programs to farmers and ranchers in Utah.
The biologists will work with NRCS field office staff to explain Farm Bill conservation programs and their benefits to
individual farmers and ranchers. Once farmers and ranchers have signed up for the program, the biologists will
provide technical assistance to develop and implement plans to improve wildlife habitat and restore wetlands on
private land across the state.
Helping Wildlife on Private Lands
The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, or federal Farm Bill, as it's commonly known, is landmark
legislation for conservation funding and for focusing on environmental issues that occur mostly on private lands. The
conservation provisions of the Farm Bill help farmers and ranchers meet environmental challenges on their land and
enhance the long-term quality of the environment and the conservation of natural resources.
Many species of wildlife in Utah, which the state's Wildlife Action Plan focuses on, have already benefited from Farm
Bill conservation programs.
For example, Columbian sharp-tailed grouse, grasshopper sparrows, bobolinks and Gunnison sage-grouse have
benefited from the Farm Bill's Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Under the CRP, farmers and ranchers receive
money to plant and maintain highly erodible lands in permanent cover for at least 10 years.
A diversity of wildlife, including fish, neotropical migratory birds and waterfowl have also benefited from the Farm
Bill's Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) which is designed to restore critical wetland and riparian habitats.
"Wildlife such as the sage-grouse, yellow-billed cukoo, bald eagle and pygmy rabbit, which are of concern in Utah or
are candidates for listing under the Endangered Species Act, will benefit from the increased work to restore and
maintain habitat that will happen in Utah through this cooperative effort," says Jim Karpowitz, director of the DWR.
The following is a brief biography of each of the new Farm Bill program biologists and their areas of responsibility:
NRCS Ogden Area Office - Sam Adams
Sam has worked for the DWR as the assistant superintendent at the Public Shooting Grounds, Salt Creek and
Locomotive Springs waterfowl management areas since January 2005. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal
Ecology and Wildlife Management from Iowa State University. Sam will be available to assist the Tremonton, Logan,
Randolph, Ogden, Coalville, Tooele, Murray, Heber City and Provo NRCS field offices with biology-related
conservation projects.
NRCS Richfield Area Office - Kendall Bagley
Kendall has worked as a wildlife specialist and wildlife technician for the DWR in Cedar City since 1991. He has a
Bachelor of Science degree in Animal, Livestock Management and an Associate of Science degree in Livestock, Farm
Management from Southern Utah University. Kendall will be moving to Richfield for his new position.
NRCS Cedar City Field Office - Nile Sorenson
Nile has more than 30 years of experience working for the DWR in various positions and locations. He has a Bachelor
of Science degree in Wildlife Management from Utah State University. His most recent experience was serving as the
DWR's regional wildlife manager in Cedar City, a position from which he retired in December 2005.
Nile and Kendall will assist the Nephi, Manti, Fillmore, Richfield, Beaver, Panguitch and Cedar City NRCS field
offices with biology-related conservation projects.
NRCS Price Area Office - Steven Wilcox
Steven has a Bachelor's degree from Utah State University in American Studies and a Master's degree from Bard
College in Environmental Policy. Steven has worked with the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research
Station in the Forest Inventory Analysis program and with private landowners in Costa Rica to conserve biodiversity
associated with a nature trail system in a national park buffer zone. Steven will be relocating to the Price area for his
new position. He will assist the Roosevelt, Vernal, Price, Castledale and Monticello NRCS field offices with biology-related planning.
Detroit Zoo Supports Michigan Anti-Dove Hunting Initiative
(Detroit) - In a blatant attack on Michigan's hunters and hunting heritage, the Detroit Zoo, an agency of the city of Detroit, is assisting the Michigan Humane Society by allowing them to hold a fund raiser at the zoo for the campaign to ban dove hunting in Michigan.
The event is scheduled to take place on September 16. On the list of special guests at the event are Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and Mike Markarian, executive vice president of the HSUS, the nation's largest anti-hunting, animal rights organization.
Tickets for the event are advertised at $100 each and "all proceeds go directly to the [sic] help restore the dove shooting ban on mourning doves."
Thousands of sportsmen who live in Detroit and whose tax money and private donations support the zoo are outraged by this abuse by a public agency.
The Detroit Zoo depends upon funds donated by both public and private entities for operation.
Sportsmen are urged to call on the city of Detroit, the state of Michigan and private donors such as Daimler Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company, the General Motors Corporation and all who give to the Detroit Zoo to express their outrage at their support of an organization that uses public resources to take a side on such a contentious political issue.
Take Action! Michigan sportsmen must contact the City of Detroit,their state legislators and the Detroit Zoo and explain to them that it is a outright attack on Michigan's rich hunting heritage and a gross misuse of public resources for an agency of the City of Detroit to aid fundraising for anti-hunting efforts.
Letters should be sent to Ron Kagan, director of the Detroit Zoo at 8450 W. Ten Mile Rd., Royal Oak, MI 48068. He can be reached by telephone at (248) 398-0900, ext. 3118 and by fax at (248) 398-0504. Kwame Kilpatrick, the Mayor of Detroit can be contacted at Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, 2 Woodward Ave., Ste. 1126, Detroit, MI 48226 and by telephone at (313) 224-3400 and fax at (313) 224-4128. To find your Michigan legislators, use the Legislative Action Center at .
The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance protects the rights of hunters, anglers and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and through public education programs. For more information about the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance and its work, call (614) 888-4868 or visit its website, .
President Bush Signs Pensions Bill that Expands Conservation Tax Incentives
Measure seen as a major victory for all who hunt and fish
WASHINGTON - The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP) commended today's action by President George W. Bush to enact legislation already approved by both houses of Congress that expands the availability of conservation tax incentives, key tools for protecting the places we hunt and fish.
"While part of a much larger bill that promises pension reform, this legislation is a major victory for the American sportsman," said TRCP Chairman Jim Range, who is one of the core partners in a broad working group headed by the Land Trust Alliance that focuses on easements. "In signing a version of the bill that makes conservation tax incentives more attractive, the president is responding to the requests of the countless anglers and hunters who have made themselves heard in recent years."
The legislation signed today:
· Raises the maximum deduction a donor can take for donating a conservation easement from 30% of their adjusted gross income (AGI) in any year to 50%;
· Allows qualified farmers and ranchers to deduct up to 100% of their AGI; and
· Increases the number of years over which a donor can take deductions from 5 years to 15 years.
To the Land Trust Alliance's Rand Wentworth, "Easements are essential to preserving the intact landscapes we love. We deeply appreciate the diligence of the president and Congress in helping people protect more land."
Many of the nation's 40 million sportsmen are intimately familiar with the benefits of conservation tax incentives and the way the groups they belong to have used them to benefit fish and game species. Hunting- and fishing-oriented conservation groups like Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Trout Unlimited have used conservation tax incentives, including easements, to implement arrangements with landowners that benefit not only ducks, pheasants, elk, and trout, but a wide variety of other species. Land trusts belonging to LTA throughout the country and organizations like The Nature Conservancy, The Conservation Fund and the Trust for Public Land have used easements to stabilize key habitat. In an era of tight budgets, state and federal agencies have found it difficult to conserve more land, but through conservation tax incentive deals, land is often donated to them to expand public areas or to create new areas.
POCATELLO, ID (August 17, 2006) -- The BlueRibbon Coalition, a national trails-based recreational advocacy group, applauded yesterday's Utah District Court dismissal of a decade old lawsuit challenging rights of ways across public lands.
A federal judge in Salt Lake City on Wednesday dismissed the 1996 suit filed against the Bureau of Land Management by a coalition of anti-access groups, including the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and the Sierra Club. Judge Bruce Jenkins granted a motion offered by Utah counties to dismiss the case, citing a ruling handed down by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals last fall.
"This is a huge victory for millions of Americans who value access to public lands," said BlueRibbon's Public Lands Director, Brian Hawthorne. "I think this decision throws a bucket of cold water on efforts by green groups to impose their closure agenda on local governments and the public", Hawthorne concluded.
The litigation began in 1996 when road crews employed by Utah's San Juan, Kane, and Garfield Counties graded sixteen roads located in southern Utah. The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) and other anti-access groups filed suit against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) , San Juan County, Kane and Garfield Counties, alleging that the Counties had engaged in unlawful road construction activities and that the BLM had violated the law by not taking more aggressive action against the road maintenance. The BLM subsequently filed cross-claims against the Counties, alleging that their road construction activities constituted trespass and degradation of federal property. The Counties claim the road maintenance activities were lawful because the activities took place within valid "R.S. 2477" rights of way. The district court ruled that federal law, as interpreted by BLM, dictated critical legal definitions in the case relating to the establishment, scope and maintenance of the "highways."
A three-judge panel of the 10th Circuit reversed, finding that state law properly guides interpretation of the existence and scope of any 2477 roads. At the time of the 10th Circuit decision, Paul Turcke, legal counsel for BlueRibbon observed "it will take time to evaluate the impact of this important decision, but it appears that the Circuit Court has reversed the district court's deviation from the previously-established precedent and reminded the parties to focus on state law concepts in evaluating the counties' actions," After yesterday's ruling, Turcke noted "this outcome was predictable given the Circuit's guidance, and will hopefully signal future certainty and a hope for cooperation between counties, the federal government and affected members of the public where 2477 rights of way are concerned."
DATE: August 15th, 2006
CONTACT: Eric Spreng
PHONE: (801) 486-2100 ext. 210
SANDY CITY - The following presentations are offered free of charge to the public at the Sandy City REI store. REI is located at 10600 South & 230 West in the northwest corner of the South Towne Mall property. For more information, please call (801) 501-0850 or visit our website at and click on the stores & events link.
Thursday, September 7th, 7pm
Very few people know that Nepal is only one of the two places in the world with fresh water dolphins, and that the tigers, elephants, one horned rhinoceros and the 9 foot wing span Bearded Vulture - better known as the Lammegier - all indigenous to the country. More over, the run off of the Himalayan glaciers produce some of the most difficult and treacherous rapids that can be navigated on rafts. Come to hear Binod Rai, Nepali native and director of Insight Himalayan Treks, as he explains some of the unique experiences you can only get from flying around Everest one day to rafting down rapids the next day, and then riding elephants. You will hear discussions on why there are almost no cemeteries in the whole country, and how the people in the country earn a living compared to the Kathmandu city folk. You will learn how the fauna and foliage changes from north to south. Binod will explain the changing culture and kingdom as world and internal forces are changing the last Hindu monarchy in the world.
GPS 101
Thursday, September 14th, 7pm
A Global Positioning System is a fun and accurate tool that can help you navigate through backcountry terrain or even down city streets. Join REI navigation experts as they unveil the mysteries of this fun and fascinating piece of technology. This presentation will cover basic GPS functions such as determining latitude and longitude, programming routes, and recording travel.
Thursday, September 21st, 7pm
In this clinic, REI expert and former wilderness therapy guide Nate Walsh, will talk about the basics of wilderness survival; everything from water sources and purification, to basic shelter ideas and on to primitive fire methods. He will address edible and non-edible plants and discuss some basic snare and trap ideas. If you're heading to the backcountry this season, or anytime, and want some ideas that will help you get through the unexpected emergencies, come and join in the fun for this great clinic!
Thursday, September 28th, 7pm
A Global Positioning System is a fascinating piece of technology that can help you find your way through backcountry terrain or even down city streets. Join REI navigation experts as they explain the theory and operation of the ubiquitous satellite positioning in a presentation that will take participants beyond the basics. This clinic will cover more advanced GPS functions such as computer interfacing, manual entry of waypoints, and other helpful navigation tips.
SALT LAKE CITY - The following presentations are offered free of charge to the public at the Salt Lake City REI store. REI is located at 3285 East & 3300 South. For more information, please call 486-2100 or visit our website at and click on the stores & events link and select Salt Lake City.
Tuesday, September 5th, 7pm
Having lead high altitude military excursions, BBC documentaries on wildlife and plants including the famous series Himalaya and Land of the Tiger, filming expeditions such as the Search for Shangrila (one of the very few films ever allowed to be filmed in West Tibet), Conservation Projects, family treks, and various wildlife safaris for mostly Europeans, Binod Rai, now the Director of Insight, is personally coming to Utah for the first time to share his stories and adventures. Specifically, he wants to interact and discuss topics that range from altitude preparation, equipment needs, the unique culture of Nepal, to communicate why his US friends should consider coming to Nepal for their next adventure.
Tuesday, September 12th, 7pm
Intermountain Life Flight works closely with Sheriff's Search and Rescue units through out the Wasatch Front helping to locate, rescue and on occasion hoist injured or stranded hikers out of harms way. Life Flight is the only civilian air ambulance organization in the United States certified to perform external hoist missions. This presentation will give a brief overview of how hoist operations are conducted with search and rescue teams, information needed to stage a hoist mission and some of the planning that goes into hoisting injured or stranded hikers to safety. Presenters will also talk about steps that could be taken to help avoid needing the services of Life Flight. Photographs of various rescue missions will be reviewed as will photo's of crew training with search and rescue organizations.
GPS 101
Tuesday, September 19th, 7pm
A Global Positioning System is a fun and accurate tool that can help you navigate through backcountry terrain or even down city streets. Join REI navigation expert Dennis Watson as he unveils the mysteries of this fun and fascinating piece of technology. This presentation will cover basic GPS functions such as determining latitude and longitude, programming routes, and recording travel.
Tuesday, September 26th, 7pm
Join us for an evening of stunning photography and excellent instruction as REI welcomes back photographer Joel Adams, who will be featuring slides from the Himalayas taken during the rainy season. Joel has presented "Travel Photography Basics" at REI earlier this year, and now incorporates the specifics of maximizing your camera's potential in the world's mountain capital. In addition, Joel will cover trekking and photographing during the monsoon season, a time when trekkers are scarce and the photos only get better. Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, Joel has supplied images and travel writing for several magazines and newspapers. His photography has been displayed and has won awards in London and the United States.
Wednesday, September 6th, 5:30pm
Join the Utah Rivers Council and REI on a Jordan River float! Come explore a fascinating and diverse urban river run in your own backyard. This is a mild, family-friendly trip with canoe and kayak options. You'll also learn a little about the natural history of the Jordan, and about work to restore this city-slicker river. We will provide boats, paddles and life jackets. Space is limited, so contact the Utah Rivers Council at 801-486-4776 or to reserve your place today! Boats, paddles and lifejackets provided at no charge by REI. Limit of 22 participants, $20 required donation goes to support river advocacy programs.
Wednesday, September 13th, 7pm
Sender Films and Big Up Productions have teamed up with Windstopper® to produce the first annual Reel Rock Film Tour featuring two groundbreaking climbing films: Josh Lowell's Dosage Volume IV, and Peter Mortimer's First Ascent. Both films showcase cutting-edge climbing and adventure footage from around the world. Reel Rock shows are high-energy events that will excite climbers and outdoors enthusiasts. Shows will include athlete appearances, gear-giveaways, and fundraising for local causes. For more information about the Reel Rock Film Tour, please visit . Tickets are available at REI Sandy and Salt Lake for $10, screening takes place at the Tower Theatre located on the southwest corner 900 E and 900 S.
September 14th through September 17th
Help fight ovarian cancer by registering for the 5th Annual HERA (Health, Empowerment, Research, and Awareness) Climb For Life Celebration and enjoy a weekend of climbing fun while fundraising for a good cause! Whether you're a beginner or just returned from Mount Everest, everyone is welcome to participate. It's an awesome weekend of climbing with pros, Learn to Climb Clinics with Exum Utah, parties, film festival presented by Climbing Magazine, giveaways, food, live music and more. Money raised goes to find a cure for ovarian cancer (at least 85% of the money raised is given away). You will join pro climbers that include Katie Brown Nancy Feagin, Stephanie Forte, Lisa Gnade, Nate Gold, Brittany Griffith, Cara Liberatore, Chris Lindner, Alli Rainey, Kate Rutherford and more for some awesome climbing in canyons surrounding Salt Lake - Big Cottonwood, Little Cottonwood and American Fork. Never climbed before? No problem! Get 2 free days of instruction from the best - Exum Utah. Just check learn to climb on the registration form. Please visit for more information.
Saturday, September 16th, 8am
Volunteers are needed to help improve the Jordan River! We will meet at 8:00am for breakfast and working from 9am until noon to remove trash from the riverside, paint guardrails, and erase graffiti. Lunch will be served to all participants. Every year, Great Salt Lakekeeper plans community based river cleanup projects throughout the watershed. With the help of volunteer groups we remove tons of garbage from the waterways. For more information please check out or call Jeff Salt at 485-2550.
Saturday, September 16th, 10am
Challenge yourself and support a good cause at the same time. The Tour Des Suds is put on by the Mountain Trails Foundation, and is 7 mile Mountain bike hill-climb from City Park to Guardsman Pass Registration, start, lunch and suds at City Park on Park Avenue. Mountain Trails socks for all participants. Cost is $20.00 prior to September 16, $25.00 race day registration. Visit for more information and links to online registration.
Saturday, September 30th, 8am-1pm
Volunteers needed! Join forces with REI, the International Mountain Biking Association and the community to work on a new section of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail near Corner Canyon in Draper. REI will provide lunch and shirts to participants. Schedule for the day will be: 8:00am bagels, coffee and orientation, then trail work until noon. Lunch will follow. Participants must be 12 years or older and be in good physical health. Please register in advance by calling REI Sandy's Customer Service Department at 501-0850 or email . For more information about the project, including directions, necessary & recommended items, and background on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, please visit and follow the links to the REI Sandy store events page.
USSA Files Complaint with Postal Service Regarding Anti-Dove Hunting Stamps
(Columbus) - The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance has filed a complaint with the U.S. Postmaster General in regards to the sale of postage stamps which support and raise money for an initiative to ban dove hunting in Michigan.
The organization is exploring whether or not is will pursue legal action in the matter.
The stamps which were available for purchase at since March, have been removed from the website. Each of the nine stamps featured images of mourning doves and the slogan "Protect Michigan Mourning Doves
According to a posting that appeared until today on the Zazzle website, "Any profit gained from the sale of these stamps will go towards protecting Michigan's 'Official Bird of Peace' the Mourning Dove." It is not known how much money the sale of the stamps may have raised to support the dove hunting ban.
In November of this year, Michigan citizens will vote on whether or not to continue dove hunting in their state. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is the leading contributor to the Committee to Restore the Dove Shooting Ban, the organization which spearheaded the movement to have the dove hunting ban placed on the November ballot and to which the creator of the offensive stamps belongs.
Sale of customized postage stamps, which may feature everything from baby photos to advertising, began earlier this year after Congress amended an 1872 law that forbade advertisements on U.S. currency, including postage stamps. The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) began a one year trial program allowing Zazzle and two other companies to sell the customized stamps.
In April, the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance (USSA) alerted sportsmen about this program when it was discovered that the HSUS was profiting from the sale of postage stamps featuring anti-animal use rhetoric. The USSA was alerted to the Michigan dove issue stamps by members of the Washington State Bowhunters Association.
The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance protects the rights of hunters, anglers and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and through public education programs. For more information about the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance and its work, call (614) 888-4868 or visit its website, .
Three Key Positions Filled in BLM Utah
Bureau of Land Management State Director Henri Bisson announces the selection of three managers to fill key positions within the state of Utah. These managers will report to Utah BLM beginning Sept. 17, 2006.
"I'm pleased to welcome these new managers to the Utah BLM leadership team," Bisson said. "Their combined expertise, broad perspectives and commitment to working with the public will help ensure our responsiveness to concerns on public lands in Utah."
Brad Exton, will serve as Monument Manager for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in southern Utah. Exton is no stranger to the state of Utah, having worked in Vernal and other locations in past years, and he is eager to take on the challenges of caring for BLM's first named National Monument. Extending across nearly two million acres of Utah public lands, the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument is a dramatic, multi-hued landscape, rich in natural and human history. "Brad's strong leadership as well as his experience and education make him an excellent choice for the position of Monument Manager," said Bisson.
Exton has a Bachelor's of Science in Forestry from the University of Missouri, Columbia and was recently Deputy Forest Supervisor for the Black Hills National Forest in Region 2. Exton has received numerous awards for his leadership, partnership success and community relations.
Selected as Manager for the Price Field Office, Roger Bankert also brings a wealth of experience that will be invaluable during the continued work on developing a final resource management plan to care for public lands that serve as the gateway to the red-rock country of the San Rafael Swell. He has extensive experience in land use planning as well as in-depth knowledge and background in energy development that will ensure Utah's special areas are managed in a responsible manner while meeting today's needs.
"Roger is an ideal candidate for the Price Field Office," said Bisson. "With his diverse knowledge of public lands and hands-on experience, he will ensure that we continue to work towards achieving the agency's multiple-use objectives in a manner that best meets the needs of public lands in Utah and the American public."
Bankert has a Bachelor's of Science in Petroleum Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and is a recent graduate of the Bureau of Land Management's 2005 Leadership Academy. His most recent position was as Acting Field Manager for the New Castle, Wyoming Field Office.
Mary Wilson will fill the position of Chief, External Affairs for the BLM's Utah State Office. "We are very excited that Mary agreed to accept this position," Bisson said. "Her extensive experience in public affairs and as a Congressional Liaison and also Organizational Development Coordinator will easily aid her in the development of community and outreach plans that will benefit the entire State of Utah."
Wilson has a Master of Arts in English Literature from Saint Mary College, Kansas and has held a number of key positions in public relations. Her most current position was as Public Affairs Specialist for the Bureau of Land Management Rawlins & Lander Wyoming field offices.
BLM Utah cares for 22.9 million acres of public land, in addition to managing 35.2 million acres of subsurface mineral estate. Representing 42 percent of the State of Utah, the public lands are located primarily in western and southeastern Utah. These public lands vary from rolling uplands to sprawling desert lowlands. They also feature some of the most spectacular scenery in the world, from the snow-capped peaks of remote mountain ranges to colorful red-rock canyons.
Vernal, Utah, August 15, 2006 - The Ashley National Forest has scheduled a series of planning workshops this month
at various locations across the state. The workshops will focus on special areas, as defined in Forest Service planning
regulations. An explanation of how special areas are treated in Forest Plans will be provided, along with a list of all
existing and several potential special areas on the Ashley. The public will be invited to propose additional areas for consideration.
In addition to the special areas discussion, the Forest will present a brief overview of recent and upcoming Plan
revision activities and take general questions or comments on the revision process.
According to Forest Supervisor, Kevin Elliott, "These workshops are the next step in helping us chart a new course for
the Ashley National Forest. We invite the public to help us identify unique areas warranting special management."
Meeting times and locations are as follows:
* August 22, 2006 - 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Manila Courthouse, 95 North 100 West in Manila, Utah.
* August 23, 2006 - 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Vernal Western Park, 302 East 200 South in Vernal, Utah.
* August 24, 2006 - 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Agriculture Extension Service, 2001 South State Street,
in Salt Lake City, Utah.
If you would like more information, please call Rick Peaveler at (435) 781-5112 or visit Ashley's website at and then click on Forest Plan Revision.
Special Youth Upland Game Hunts
PRICE, UTAH--A select number of Castle Country youth will have the opportunity to participate in a special chukar
hunt on September 9th at the Gordon Creek Wildlife Management
Area, located between Price and Helper.
Sixty boys and girls who have graduated from hunter education and are under 16 years-old will have the chance to hunt freshly stocked chukars on that special Saturday. All that is required is that the kids complete an application on page 25 of the 2006-2007 Utah Upland Game Proclamation and write a one-paragraph essay on the importance of having or starting an upland game hunting tradition in their family. Application deadline is August 25th. Details are found on page 24 of the Upland Game Proclamation.
A special youth pheasant hunt will occur on November 11th at the Huntington Wildlife Management Area in Emery County. An application and short essay is likewise required with a deadline of September 9th. Details are also found on page 24 of the Upland Game Proclamation.